25 November 2015

Boys on Bikes (Coffeeneuring 2015 #6)

shadows over bicycle

[Another short entry before the coffeeneuring 2015 finale.] This ride was going to be with a friend of mine, but ended up being with him and his two boys, one in the child seat behind him, the other on a push-bike. This limited our range, but I had just rode 11 or so kilometers from my house to his, so I wasn’t concerned about the distance requirement. We decided to check out a café just a ways down the nearby bike path.


The bike path itself winds through a wildlife park, and we had the pleasure of seeing moose, boars, and deer on the way. Then, the path brought us right out in front of the place we were headed to: the Etzenrather Mühle. It looked like a charming café on the outside, but after going in, we realized it was a bit fancier than we thought. We felt a little out of place with two rambunctious kids sitting at candle-lit tables with high-end décor. Nevertheless, we were already committed, so we got a couple coffees and two hot cocoas for the boys.

kaffee tasse

The restaurant sits at an intersection of a couple bike paths, and at first I wasn’t sure exactly how you’d arrive in a car, so there’s definitely a sense of bike-friendliness to it. Additionally, there is ample bicycle parking and a nice outdoor seating area for when the weather is warmer. The Etzenrather Mühle (or mill in English) is someplace I’d like to ride to again. 

- Bicyclist Abroad


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Coffeeneur Quick Stats:

Destination: Etzenrather Mühle
Gangelt, DE
Date: Saturday, November 14th
Drink: Coffee
Distance: 13 km / 8 mi

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